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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 from Mr Ames


Hello and welcome to Year 5! I am super excited to be your teacher this year and I know that we are all going to have such an amazing time together. You are more than ready for the challenges which you will face as you move into Upper Key Stage Two. In Year 5, you will continue to develop your independent skills and learn how to make positive contributions to our class, our school and the world around us.

We have some new and exciting projects and topics planned over the year; our autumn term topic is going to be Rumble in the Jungle. 


In our classroom, you will be working with myself mostly but taught by Mrs Fitzgerald on a Tuesday. We are supported by an amazing team who includes Mrs Bromhead, Mrs Warriner, Mrs Watkinson, Miss Jeffery and Mrs Emmingham.



I know that you will do your best and do yourselves proud! 
