At The Holt Primary School, it is our aim that children gain a rich and varied experience of music through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing and composing across a variety of historical periods, style, traditions and musical genres. It is our intent to provide high quality musical experiences that inspires and engages our pupils to develop a love of music.
'Music can change the world because it can change people.' Bono
As part of our music curriculum, pupils will learn about the great composers of the world and develop their knowledge and skills in reading and writing music. They will be taught about a range of genres and styles covering historically important composers such as Vivaldi and Scott Joplin, world renowned pieces such as Puccini's Nessan Dorma and will be introduced to singing and instruments from Year 1. Throughout Key stage 1 and 2, pupils will listen to a range of music styles and sounds which are designed to broaden their musical horizons and encourage them to be open minded to the music they listen to. for example, pupils will be encouraged to listen to classical music, rock and roll songs, modern classics and jazz. Our school will implement the ideas provided in the new model music curriculum by following the Music Express scheme of work.
National curriculum in England: music programmes of study - GOV.UK (
Model Music Curriculum (
In all music lessons we will reinforce our school's characteristics of good learning:
Respect. Reflective. Responsible. Resourceful. Resilient. Reasoning.
Our Music Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. By the end of the primary journey, we aim for all our pupils to have developed a love of music and will listen to and appreciate many genres and styles. They will have developed a range of skills such as using their voices, listening with understanding and using instruments and sounds creatively.
If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
The impact of our music curriculum will be measured by assessment procedures which allow us to measure outcomes against statements outlines within our progression documents.
Assessment procedures
Teachers will use ongoing assessment for learning techniques to support the development of vocabulary and the acquisition of new knowledge. A range of information gathering activities such as learning flashbacks and progress pauses will be used to ascertain how well children are learning within this subject and what they need next to support their understanding.