We are currently working on quick recall of the 2's 5's and 10 times tables. These were targets for the end of Y2 but after the Summer break, many children are a little rusty. The following TTRS tests will help if you want to practise them at home. Remember Daily ten is also brilliant to help you become more confident at your own pace.
As the term progresses, we will begin the 3 times table and then gradually move onto the 4's and 8's. These are our Year 3 targets but I often find that if children work hard, they can secure these early and make a start on the other times tables.
On TT Rock Stars the times tables are set at 2's 5s and 10s for the first few weeks and then I'll gradually add the others as I teach them.
The resources below are the same ones we use in class so if you want to practise them at home and you have a printer then feel free to use them.
Please note that I have a pile of tests in the classroom for the children to help themselves to when they want. I'm happy to keep photocopying tests to encourage your child to practise at home. Please encourage your child to bring a few home. Just 5 minutes every day can make a huge difference!