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The Holt Primary School is a Community School and follows the authority admissions policy and criteria for allocation of places should we be oversubscribed.

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

The school has a published admissions number of 210. There are currently 196 pupils divided into seven single age group classes as follows :-

Reception       -    4 and 5yr olds
    Year 1        -    5 and 6yr olds
    Year 2        -    6 and 7yr olds
    Year 3        -    7 and 8yr olds
    Year 4        -    8 and 9yr olds
    Year 5        -    9 and 10yr olds
    Year 6        -    10 and 11yr olds

Parents of children under 5 are requested to fill in a common application form. This is to indicate your first, second and third choices of school. This can be completed online via the Lincolnshire County Council website. This is available from October/November and have to be submitted to the authority by a deadline in January. The results of these applications for a place at the preferred school is usually know in March. More details are available at the website

Admissions Policy New Intake

This school follows the county policy of having one intake each year.

All children who will be five during the forthcoming academic year will be admitted in the September. 

 Pre-Admission Visit By Parents

We invite all parents to view the school before accepting this is the school they wish their child to attend. It will be appreciated if an appointment is made so that someone can be available to show you around and answer any queries you may have. Appointments can be made by telephoning the school Secretary during morning sessions.

 Pupil Details Form

A pupil details form needs to be filled in for children due to start school. These forms are available from the school Secretary. This form is usually given to the parent on their first visit to enquire whether this is the school they wish their child to attend. When returning the completed form they should bring the relevant birth certificate to verify the date of birth.

 Initial Preparations
In the summer term before your child starts school you will be invited to meet the Reception Class Teacher.  This will be your opportunity to discuss with the teacher any worries you may have or to pass on any necessary information that you think we ought to know.

We also invite your child to attend school for either a morning or afternoon session during this term so that they may experience and become familiar with school life.

Transferring From Other Schools - mid year applications

If your child is transferring from another school we will wish to know the name and address of the school and the name of the Headteacher. This is so that we can contact them for forwarding your child's records as soon as possible. Obviously, it is courteous for you to notify your child's current school of the leaving date. Further information can be found at Apply to move school – Before you apply - Lincolnshire County Council
