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RWI overview


Read Write Inc. is a literacy programme designed and developed by Ruth Miskin, one of the country’s leading authorities on teaching children to read. The programme aims to create fluent readers and confident speakers.


At the start of the new academic year, each child in Reception and Key Stage 1 is assessed on their letter recognition and reading within the first few weeks. After the assessment; any gaps in phonic knowledge, comprehension, or reading fluency will be used to assign each child to their own small, exclusive group for regular sessions with a trained member of staff using Read Write Inc. methods. These groups are organised according to the children’s specific needs, and the specific sounds, letters and comprehension skills needed are taught in a secure and engaging way. In Reception after the initial sound assessment, the class practise forming each of those sounds correctly, even if the children recognise them. This is because Reception children are all taught together in their classroom until Christmas, when they are then put into their exclusive groups.


The Read Write Inc sessions last up to 60 minutes and includes a variety of activities delivered with pace and rigour. Children have the opportunity to learn sounds which are reinforced during the session with reading activities and spelling games – learning is put into practise.


Year 1 also have daily phonics in addition to RWI sessions, so that all the children can access Set 1, 2 and 3 sounds in preparation for the phonics screening test.


As children progress through the levels, they are regularly assessed to ensure they are placed in groups most appropriate for them. If a child is found to be struggling, Alternatively, children may also be ‘fast-tracked’ to a more able group when their progress warrants this.

Five key principles underpin the teaching in all Read Write Inc. sessions:  


1)   Participation As they are in small groups, children participate fully in every session. They are able to maintain high levels of concentration and they do not miss key elements of the teaching.

2)   Praise - Children work together as partners. They take turns to teach and praise each other. They are motivated by praise from their teachers and teaching assistants.

3)   Pace - Sessions are fast paced and lively. This keeps every child fully engaged and on task.

4)   Purpose - Every instructor has been trained in Read Write Inc. methods. They know the purpose of each activity, and how it leads into the next.

5)   Passion - Instructors, too, become passionate about their teaching as they see the children enjoying the progress they are making.


What can you do to help?


  1. In Reception your child will be given a sound book. Children find it easier to learn to read and spell if they are taught pure sounds. You might like to visit the Ruth Miskin website for a  videos and information about supporting your child with the reading program at home. .


 2. In Year 1 & 2, when your child has been allocated their RWI Group, they will be given a speedy word list linked to their specific reading book in school. If your child would like to practise their sounds at home then please look in their book bag for the list, your child will also have home reading book and a black and white copy of the book that they have read in school the previous week..  


 3.Ruth Miskin also suggests that children gain a great deal from knowing a small number of stories very well. Familiarity with these stories can help children to understand how stories are structured and the different kind of genres they may encounter. Your children will be read all of these books while on the RWI programme. The list for the programme is down loadable at the bottom of the page.


Each child will  have their own class reading book and log. To supplement the skills learnt at school your child should have opportunity to read at home too, perhaps 2 or 3 times a week. For reluctant readers it might be nice to share the reading.


- If an adult reads the book first it will give the child confidence for when they read, as they will know what to expect in the story and they can enjoy the story   with you first.


  • Reading alternate pages together, as in Read Write Inc. lessons, takes the pressure off your child having to read for a long time.


  • Let your child ask you questions about the book. Which is your favourite character dad? Were you scared/happy about what happened in the book mum? This will help your child think about and verbalise answers; especially when they see you doing it too.


 4. If your child would like to practise their letter formation, Read, Write Inc have rhymes for each of the letters to help the children shape them correctly. Reception children will be given a sound book that includes they  Handwriting Rhymes.  


More information about the Read Write Inc program can be found at the above website or by reading the parent information booklets on this website.


We feel that the Read Write Inc. programmes will continue to make a very positive impact on the ability of our pupils to develop their reading.






